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Relocating from UK to Australia

  • Liana 
  • 2 min read

We finally made the move from the UK to Australia in the middle of June 2019. I can’t say it’s all been easy but we are making the most of every day and taking things one step at a time.

The whole process took over two years from deciding to apply to obtaining the Australian visa. We planned to move as soon as we obtained the visa but there were a lot of variable such as “shall we sell the house?”, “what Australia city should we move to?” which made us take a step back and wait a while.

When we finally decided to make the move, we set a date and just booked tickets, that way we couldn’t keep moving the date! Everything from then on seemed to just fall in to place.

We found a lovely place to live really close to a beautiful beach. My husband found a job within a few weeks of arriving and the children have made lots of friends and have even picked up the Aussie accent already. The children have really taken to the outdoors lifestyle and love an evening walk along the jetty.

Now we are finally here in Australia, I am hoping to have more time to work on my Interiors Made Beautiful blog (in between school runs and watching The Block of course). I still feel very passionate about interior design and I can’t wait to share with you some ideas.

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